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Bard Knight

"You're a bard knight on your way to your next performance. Jump, run and punch your way through challenging environments."


About the project


Type of game - Platformer

Project length - 8 weeks halftime
Engine - TGE
Editor - The teams own editor
Reference game - Rayman Legends

What I contributed with:

Level design
Game design

The team


Jonas Berggren
Daniel Fornell
Hugo Jansson


David Bohlin
Simon Grefbäck
Mirjam Hildahl


Casper Bengtsson
Mateusz Salaga
Andréas Isaksson
Samuel Ryberg
Ivar Jönsson

Level Design

Christoffer Carlsvärd
Christoffer Janbris


The process and my thoughts on the project


Platformers hold a special place in my heart. And it's always very interesting to listen to design talks about them. I picked up on so much when I digged deaper and made my research for the LDD. Though I'm not quite happy with how it turned out, the workflow me and Christoffer had was great. Everything from pre-prod to collaboration and communication. 

Project showreel
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